Unit 14: Certificate of Completion

Congratulations on Completing the DIY PlexiCraft Course! 

Give yourself a pat on the back and start planning for your next DIY PlexiCraft project!

To receive a certificate of completion:

1) take 2 (two) clear photos of your completed DIY PlexiCraft from different angles - be sure to take one photo of your craft in sunlight

2) write a short sentence or two sharing what you liked about crafting your DIY PlexiCraft.

3) Email the 2 images and sentences to instructor Ari Stone at [email protected] with Subject Line: "DIY PlexiCraft Course Certificate"

Include your First and Last Name

Email address you used to purchase DIY PlexiCraft

Email address you used to register for the online DIY PlexiCraft course

After review by Ari and verification of enrollment in the DIY PlexiCraft course, a digital certificate of completion will be issued to you by email.

Complete and Continue  